Text Recognition

Extract text from images and other digital documents in seconds

Button to download from Apple Store
Requires macOS Catalina or Big Sur

Extract Text From Anywhere

Instantly capture non-selectable text from YouTube videos, PDFs, images, online courses, screencasts, presentations, webpages, video tutorials, photos, etc. It’s so simple and easy as taking a screenshot with a built-in snipping tool for Mac.

Working With TextShooter is Simple

  1. Get Started
    Press Shift+Cmd+A to start
    or select a Capture Text from
    the menu bar.
  1. Select screen area
    The text inside the selection
    will be quickly recognized and
    copied to the clipboard.
  1. Paste
    Press Cmd+V to paste a text
    to the notes, editor, messenger,
    or any other software.

QR code and Barcode reader

Capture, extract, and convert to text any QR code or barcode in a snap.

Lightning fast

TextShooter instantly recognizes text within the selection area using advanced OCR technology.

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